Reduce slope length and runoff velocity with slope interruption BMPs
Slope interruption BMPs minimize soil erosion by reducing the slope length, which dissipates the energy of overland sheet flow runoff. Slower runoff velocity reduces the potential of rill erosion on hill slopes. A rill is a shallow channel cut into soil by the erosive action of flowing water. Similar but smaller incised channels are known as microrills; larger incised channels are known as gullies.
MKB Company offers a variety of erosion control BMPs, also known as sediment retention fiber rolls (SRFRs), for diverse slope interruption configurations – SiltSoxx compost filter sock, SiltSoxx RH rice hull filter sock, SwitchSoxx switchgrass filter sock, and straw wattle. If pollutant removal features are required, our EnviroSoxx® product line can incorporate different additives to target stormwater pollutants.

Can be used on slopes up to 1:1 grade
Better trapping and removal of sediment and pollutants
More intimate contact with ground surface
No trenching (excluding straw wattles)
Can be installed on frozen ground (excluding straw wattles)
100% biodegradable products available
Slow runoff velocity
Disperse concentrated runoff on hill slopes
Reduce slope length
Use in environmentally sensitive areas
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