SiltSoxx RH

Rice Hull Filter Sock



The newest, lightest filter sock for your BMP toolbox.

Filled with rice hull filter media and encased in our Original, Durable+ netting, SiltSoxx RH is lighter than a compost filter sock but heavier than a straw wattle – making it easier to handle and install, with the superior filtering performance that MKB products are known for.

Independent testing by TRI Environmental shows that rice hulls form an excellent high-flow, high sediment retention 3-dimensional filtering matrix when used in E&S tubular products. Rice hulls are a domestic by-product that comes from rice farming within the U.S. in California, Arkansas, the Gulf Coast, and in the Mississippi River Delta region.

Use SiltSoxx RH just like a compost filter sock or straw wattle for standard sediment control applications like perimeters, slope interruption, and other hard-to-reach project sites – no trenching is required.

If you’re looking for a more sustainable option, SiltSoxx RH is also available in our Natural+ biodegradable netting. This 100% biodegradable product eliminates the need for field removal and disposal, allowing you to leave the rice hull media on-site as a beneficial soil amendment, while also eliminating expensive labor costs and landfill tipping fees.

With SiltSoxx RH, you’ll save money, time, and achieve superior filtering performance. Ready to try SiltSoxx RH on your next sediment control project? Contact MKB Company today to find a distributor.

Product Types





Made with the same heavy duty pallet netting as traditional SiltSoxx compost filter sock, filled with lightweight rice hull media.



SiltSoxx Natural Original



Made with Natural+ pallet netting and filled with lightweight rice hull media. Eliminate field removal with this 100% biodegradable product – leave rice hull media on site as a soil amendment.


General Details

  • Lighter and easier to handle on the jobsite

  • Longer lengths on a pallet or in a super sack

  • Promotes vegetative cover

  • Available in 100% biodegradable Natural+ netting

General Details

Compared to Straw Wattles

  • Durable, high performance CFS netting

  • Same shipping configuration as wattles

  • Heavier so it stays in place better

  • No trenching required –stake every 5 feet
  • Lasts longer and keeps its shape better

Compared to Straw Wattles