That’s a Wrap! Reflecting on IECA 2019

The International Erosion Control Association Conference was held in Denver, Colorado this year at the Colorado Convention Center. Professionals in the erosion control, stormwater management and sediment control industries gathered together for three days of networking, meetings and educational sessions. Filtrexx attended once again and Dr. Britt Faucette presented Calculating Ecosystem Service (Environmental) Impact of Compost-Based Sustainable Management Practices (SMPs).

Dr. Faucette’s presentation focused on Natural Capital – the material within the environment that provides free ecosystem services that maintain our economic, environmental and human health. Ecosystem services include soil erosion control, stormwater prevention, maintenance of natural cycles, climate regulation and waste reduction. Ecosystem services have a global economic value of $33 trillion per year. We save on energy, hard infrastructure and financial expenditure the more we monitor and manage the earth and its natural design.

Low impact development and green infrastructure strategies use natural design principles to decentralize stormwater management and restore the natural hydrology. Compost best management practices (BMPs) utilize these sustainable design strategies and maximize what nature does to reduce stormwater, filter pollutants and conserve water while also implementing bio-based materials, reducing carbon footprints and accruing LEED green building credits.

IECA 2019 was a great show and Filtrexx is excited to be once again participating in IECA 2020 in Raleigh, North Carolina!

As the Marketing Manager for Filtrexx, Teele works heavily in the digital and social arenas of marketing, running the Filtrexx Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn pages. She also serves as writer and editor of press releases, project profiles and most recently, the Filtrexx blog. Teele attended the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts in public relations and a Master of Science in corporate communication. Teele has worked in marketing roles for various companies around the Twin Cities before landing at Filtrexx in July, 2017.
