MKB Stormwater Innovations continues to innovate and improve its product lines. The latest product to receive new innovations is “Road Wattle.” Road Wattle is an apparatus designed to be portable. Road Wattle is available in 12’ and 18’ length configurations and 9” or 12” diameters. Road Wattle has 4 integrated blue handles so it can be easily lifted and carried.
Road Wattle can be filled with either Switchgrass or Pine Straw and is ideal for construction site road entrances, laydown yards, bridge crossings and in front of houses being built.
Road Wattle has similar filtration characteristics as Compost Filter Sock and Switchgrass Filter Sock. Road Wattles superior ruggedness makes it perfect for being dragged around construction sites with minimal wear on the containment device.
Road Wattle is available coiled on a pallet in truck load quantities and less than truck load quantities.
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