Meet the Speaker: Ron Alexander Presents at COAM Workshop in St. Louis

Diamond Sock evolves to MKB Stormwater Innovation

Diamond Sock evolves to MKB Stormwater Innovation

MKB Company, LLC is proud to transition our branding from Diamond Sock to MKB Stormwater Innovation. MKB Stormwater Innovation still holds true to what made…

CFS, Compost Filter Sock, Compost Log, Diamond Sock, Diversion Berm, Diversion Sock, Erosion, Filter Sock, inlet protection, MudCat, Sediment, Sediment Barrier, Siltron
MKB Company purchases ERO-CO Assets

MKB Company purchases ERO-CO Assets

MKB Company, a Kurtz Brothers company, is proud to announce the acquisition of the assets of ERO-CO, a Springfield, MO manufacturer of compost filter sock…

Compost Filter Sock, Diamond Sock